On this page you will find practical hints for Manaus, hotel accomdondations, city sightseeing,
going out, shopping centers, natural parks and how to reach these places by public transport.
On the pagens ¨hot spots¨, we will show you, where you can spend hot days, on sandy river beaches,
in cool side rivers or iguarapes.
During the day, busses and executive busses (40 seater vans) are operating regulary (intervals of
30 minutes and less). During night time, the regular bus No. 306 is serving the city center (frequency every 90 minutes).
TIP: Use the executive bus. If you need a taxi due to late arrival in the
night or much luggage, do not book the taxi in the airport, as there will be charged the official fare (45 Reais). Go to the
bus station outside the airport, and wait there for a taxi passing by. Usually you can negociate a discounted rate (25 to
30 Reais to the city center) or share the fare with other travellers. Most tour operators offer a complimentary airport
pick-up, if you book a tour with them. Some hotels such as hotel Rei Arthur or Hotel Brasil have transfers to airport or busstation
at special rates.
Whereas the most luxury hotel - the TROPICAL HOTEL - is located in the posh Ponta Negra area, the
budget and cheap hotels are concentrated in the city center, mainly along the Rua JOAQUIM NAMBUCO and side streets. Some of
the hotels are ¨rotativos¨ (love hotels, which rent out rooms on hourly basis), others are ¨hotels familares¨ (family hotels,
which operate on daily basis only).
Examples for family hotels in the Nambuco area:
- Hotel IDEAL
- Pensao Solista
- Hotel Tubarao
- Hotel Granada II
The best is to take in the city center a taxi and ask the driver to bring you to one of the family
hotels (¨hotel familiar¨ in Portuguese). The taxi ride within the center should be less than 10 Reais.
There are two excellent YOUTH HOSTELS in Manaus centro, with similar names:
Rua Lauro Calvacante 231
This hostel is owned by an Australian and associated
with HI (Hostelling International). Dorms from 15 Reais.
Rua Costa Azevedo, 63
This hostel is owned by a brazilian family and very close
to the Amazon Theatre. It is very clean and offers Wifi
and Internet. Dorms from 18 Reais.
Hotels tailored to business travellers are located in the Industrial District (Distrito Industrial),
among others the international brands Novotel, Ibis, Comfort Inn and others.
Mindu Park is located in the bairro Parque 10 de Novembro (P10) and the largest urban ecological
park in Manaus (33 ha).
From the City Center you can take the Executivo (executive bus) to P10.
Parque Mindu is one of the last habitats for the sauim-de-coleira, a species of monkey that only
exists in the Manaus region and is threatened with extinction. Visitors to the park (free entrance) can walk through four
distinct ecosystems in the park: land covered by secondary growth, firm ground brush, sandbanks and degraded areas that were
illegally cleared in 1989.